Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

trzymać język za zębami in inglese:

1. hold your tongue hold your tongue

Inglese parola "trzymać język za zębami"(hold your tongue) si verifica in set:

My Matura Success Upper Intermediate Unit 1
Unit 15 Health and the body
angielski słówka

2. to hold one's tongue to hold one's tongue

He knew when it was wise to hold one's tongue.

Inglese parola "trzymać język za zębami"(to hold one's tongue) si verifica in set:

słówka użytkowe (różne) +słówka z Gilmore Girls
Kart ang dział 1

3. to keep one's mouth shut to keep one's mouth shut

Inglese parola "trzymać język za zębami"(to keep one's mouth shut) si verifica in set:

70 COMMUNICATION - speaking, people
lesson 3. 25