Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

starter in inglese:

1. starter's

Inglese parola "starter"(starter's) si verifica in set:

Fiszki z książki - "The Golden Boys and Their New ...
Fiszki z książki - "Derby Day in the Yukon and Oth...

2. appetizer

Some green olives make a simple appetizer.
This wine should be served chilled as an appetizer.

Inglese parola "starter"(appetizer) si verifica in set:

ang zawodowy

3. primer

It's a robotics primer.

4. start bar

5. starter

Would you like a starter?
We had soup as a starter, followed by steak.
I'll have it as starter
I’ll have soup for my starter, please.
The starters were so huge that I had no room left for the main course.
We can offer two different types of soup as a starter.
I'll have soup for the starter
What are you having for the starter?
In Britain, people often have soup for starters, especially in winter.
The starter is chicken soup.
What would you like to order for your starter?
The starter was really good.

Inglese parola "starter"(starter) si verifica in set:

Weigh-loss drugs