Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

stabilnie in inglese:

1. stably stably

Inglese parola "stabilnie"(stably) si verifica in set:

IELTS polski - angielski

2. steadily steadily

The number of fish in the ocean is steadily declining.
Trade between the two countries has been steadily growing.
moved steadily
The race developed into a free-for-all but Shinomiya lapped the group and in the final stage steadily piled on points with good timing to achieve victory.
The words covered are steadily increasing, so check frequently.
The Recruit scandal is a corruption scandal concerning public officials and politicians who accepted as bribes undisclosed shares from the RecruitCoscom company. The shares had been rising steadily.
Her studies are improving slowly but steadily.
How are things going? "Terrific. Income and profit are continuing to rise steadily."
There are marked and rapidly, steadily increasing health benefits to giving up.
Oh luck! Like the moon, you steadily change, you always grow and then wither again.
Then he looked steadily at me with hard black eyes.
he steadily gained confidence
If volcanoes are properly swept, they burn slowy and steadily, without erupting.
Our profits increase steadily every year.
Since the introduction of euro cash in 2002, the value and the number of euro banknotes in circulation have risen steadily.

Inglese parola "stabilnie"(steadily) si verifica in set:

listopad nieruchomosci
Dunin angielski

3. steady steady

A staff is used to help steady yourself when walking, much like a cane.
The nation's trade balance improved last year as exports were strong, while imports remained steady.
A steady raise in prices of basic products has been observed in the recent months.
steady job
David has never had a steady job. He has always lived by his wits.
Steady the boat so we can get on safely.
I always use the steps, but...it's scary how they wobble...so I'd like you to hold them steady.
But for your steady support, my mission would have resulted in failure.
Japanese seem to prefer picking a marriage partner as much like themselves as possible, finding a job that provides security and slow but steady advancement, and putting money in the bank.
My brother can do a nice, steady lay-up.
The steady rise in basic food prices is an acute problem which cannot be ignored.
The ​procession ​moved through the ​streets at a steady ​pace. His ​recovery has been ​slow but steady.
After some practice, the boy was finally able to steady himself on his rollerblades.
Jack is my steady. I'm in deep with him.
We turned him face up into the pouring rain, the lightning, the steady crack of thunder.

Inglese parola "stabilnie"(steady) si verifica in set:

angielski zawodowy