Fried food usually doesn't agree with me.
Two fried eggs and coffee, please.
After that English exam, my brain is fried.
She fried fish in salad oil.
Avoid fried foods for a while.
For the best fried chicken in Gulfport, go to Grandma's Kitchen.
Fried spiders are a regional delicacy in Cambodia.
fried eggs
Fried eggs, sunny-side up, easy please.
Some humorists do randomness right, and some are breaded and lightly fried with herbs.
Are you going to let this fried chicken go begging?
She never eats fried food.
Mike was fried on LSD till the morning.
My better half screwed me over for being fried.
We had fried potatoes with our burgers.
Inglese parola "smażone"(fried) si verifica in set:
File Inter (Food & Cooking)Repetytorium 6: Food EN/PLRepetytorium 6: Food PL/ENAnia angielski część 1unit 1-jedzenie2.
Tomorrow they're gonna fry that killer.
Ann doesn't know how to fry an egg.
fry an egg
Do you prefer to boil or to fry?
My mother is frying the chicken in the kitchen
Heat sesame oil in the pan on a medium flame, add the chicken meat, the garlic and fry, when the colour changes pour in the Chinese soup, add the Chinese cabbage and boil.
A few minutes of Stephen Fry will make any American apologize for his rhoticity.
People will fry to a crisp in the sun today.
I like pea pods in my stir fry.
Step 1. Heat the vegetable oil (0.5L) (any grease or a mixture of oil and grease) in the pot on high heat, add sliced onions (400g), fry until the onions take a yellow color, then add meat (any kind) (1kg).
Bender often utters the phrase "Kill all humans", even if he always silently adds "except one" referring to Fry.
Heat the oil in a large pan and fry the onionand garlic for 5 minutes.
(1)deep frying, (2)pan frying, (3)stir-frying
In the meantime, cut the bread into cubes and fry them in hot oil.