Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

rogi in inglese:

1. horns horns

You must take the bull by the horns.
Cattle, sheep and goats have a pair of horns.
Impatient at the delay, many drivers began to blow their horns.
The general took the bull by the horns and saved his army from disaster.
Buffaloes have big horns.
An ox is captured by the horns, a person is bound by his word.
Putting his trust in God and taking the bull by the horns, the Christian gladiator defeated many adversaries.
I can't stand so many cars honking their horns at the same time!
To catch the bull, grab its horns.
Cow has got horns.
The snail shot out its horns.
There is no way out of the siege except to take the bull by the horns and let God judge the outcome.
reindeer's horns
It was amazing to see the two rams locking horns.
It's never too early to blow our own horns, just don't let it go to your head.

Inglese parola "rogi"(horns) si verifica in set:

amelka, kacper, staś, natalka - test 1
Fiszki z książki - "Sailing" (E. F. Knight)
Animal features (części ciała zwierząt)
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Fiszki z książki - "The Two Goats and the Sick Mon...

2. corners corners

He is a person who never cuts corners.
Tom earned money by playing his guitar on street corners.
A square is a quadrilateral with four sides the same and where all four corners are right angles.
Cutting corners will save you money in the short-run but cost you customers in the long-run.
When you are driving, you should slow down on corners.
The corners of his lips showed a bluish tinge that really worried the nurse.
That's just standard practise, it's not like they're cutting corners.

Inglese parola "rogi"(corners) si verifica in set:

Food vocabulary/General vocabulary