Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

przysiad in inglese:

1. squat

Children were squatting on the floor.
Many are of ‘no fixed abode’, either living in squats or at established protest camps at airports or proposed roads
I don't owe you squat!
... tell by the power squat, I was a very...
They started using that house as a squat.
After twisting your body, squat down.
Powerlifting is a sport in which athletes compete to lift the maximum sum weight of the three heavy weight events, squat, bench press and deadlift.

Inglese parola "przysiad"(squat) si verifica in set:

The tree stand of the forest
the body muscles
My useful words

2. sit up

Sometimes I sit up watching TV until late at night.
I noticed something that really made me sit up and take notice

Inglese parola "przysiad"(sit up) si verifica in set:

uprawinie sportu