Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

przesiać przez sito in inglese:

1. sieve sieve

Cooking sieves are made from plastic or stainless steel.
I've got memory like a sieve
You need to sieve flour in order to get rid of any lumbs in it.
Wash the rice in a sieve under cold running water.
You must sieve the flour in order to remove the lumps.
Pass the sauce through a sieve to remove any lumps.

Inglese parola "przesiać przez sito"(sieve) si verifica in set:

Turtle B - Kuchnia 6

2. sift through a sieve sift through a sieve

Inglese parola "przesiać przez sito"(sift through a sieve) si verifica in set:

Jedzenie, słownictwo ogólne
Rataj cialo ludzkie 2 en

3. to sift through sieve to sift through sieve