Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

przekazane in inglese:

1. forwarded forwarded

Inglese parola "przekazane"(forwarded) si verifica in set:

angielski zawodowy część II

2. communicated

The dolphin and trainer communicated much better than we expected.
They communicated with the Western countries.
Dr. Patterson communicated with a gorilla using sign language.
In the early days people communicated by smoke signals.

Inglese parola "przekazane"(communicated) si verifica in set:

Fiszki z książki - "Chickamauga, Useless, Disastro...
Fiszki z książki - "Napoleon's Appeal to the Briti...
Fiszki z książki - "A Sermon Preached in York Mini...

3. conveyed

Personality clues are conveyed in the music’s tempo.

Inglese parola "przekazane"(conveyed) si verifica in set:

English literature 🖤

4. passed down

Inglese parola "przekazane"(passed down) si verifica in set:

Lesson - 31.01.2023

5. passed on

leaked= passed on to the public in spite of being secret

Inglese parola "przekazane"(passed on) si verifica in set:

zaczarowany ogród
unit 1 vocabulary

6. relayed

I relayed the message to her.
... Shutterstock The American diplomat relayed the request to Washington,...

Inglese parola "przekazane"(relayed) si verifica in set:

entertainment& sport