Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

poza zasięgiem in inglese:

1. out of reach out of reach

Keep medicines out of reach of children.
Realisation of this goal is out of reach.
The frying pan is on the top shelf, it's out of reach

Inglese parola "poza zasięgiem"(out of reach) si verifica in set:

Language Practice - Grammar różne
on, out of, other - przyimki
Lekcja 2022-03-21 (prepositions)
Stage 11 Lesson 175 part2
Listening, Reading- Unit 6

2. out of range out of range

Inglese parola "poza zasięgiem"(out of range) si verifica in set:

Steps in English 3 rozdział 4
Nauka i technika
Mój angielski
Words & phrases
angielski vince