Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

poprawić wygląd in inglese:

1. enhance your appearance enhance your appearance

2. improve the appearance of improve the appearance of

Inglese parola "poprawić wygląd"(improve the appearance of) si verifica in set:

Spend or save? + Changins lives

3. enhance make enhance make

4. enhance make up enhance make up

5. to enhance the image to enhance the image

Inglese parola "poprawić wygląd"(to enhance the image) si verifica in set:

kolejny kolos

6. improve appearance improve appearance

7. improve the appearance improve the appearance

Inglese parola "poprawić wygląd"(improve the appearance) si verifica in set:

stomatologia estetyczna

8. to spruce up to spruce up

Wow. I'm starting to think you didn't mean it when you said you wanted to spruce up the place.

Inglese parola "poprawić wygląd"(to spruce up) si verifica in set:

obowiązki domowe