Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

poczęstować się in inglese:

1. help help

Help yourself.
Tom and Mary are both very kind and will help anybody who asks.
I told her that if I could be of any use I would be glad to help.
Unable to accomplish the task by himself, he turned to me for help.
I wish I could figure out how to convince Tom to help us.
If you can't go to an English-speaking country to study, perhaps you can find an English native speaker living nearby that can help you learn English.
Could you stick around after the party and help me clean up?
He had gone there to help garbage workers strike peacefully for better pay and working conditions.
Not only did he refuse to help me, but also he scolded me.
Will you have a little time this weekend to help me with my French?
He's the last person I would ask help from, because he is completely unreliable.
Pigeons can find their way home with the help of the Earth's magnetic field.
Defensive driving can help you avoid accidents.
She wanted to lose weight and she thought smoking would help her.
Vaccinations help prevent childhood diseases.

Inglese parola "poczęstować się"(help) si verifica in set:

Callan-nowy 5
Callan stage 9

2. help yourself help yourself

While you are waiting, please help yourself to the breakfast bar where you will find: Orange Juice...
Feel free, help yourself.

Inglese parola "poczęstować się"(help yourself) si verifica in set:

rep ang 6 przydatbe zwroty w resteuracji
Callan stage 9 lesson 145

3. to help oneself to

Inglese parola "poczęstować się"(to help oneself to) si verifica in set:

Gramatyka opisowa 1 i 2

4. help yourself to

Inglese parola "poczęstować się"(help yourself to) si verifica in set:

Angielski r6 by Frynczuś
jedzenie - szkoła

5. to help himself

Inglese parola "poczęstować się"(to help himself) si verifica in set:

Angielski - słówka 05

6. help oneself

Inglese parola "poczęstować się"(help oneself) si verifica in set:

Gramatyka dla zaawansowanych

7. treat yourself to

8. help yourself with