Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

patrzeć w przyszłość in inglese:

1. look ahead look ahead

We have to look ahead and estimate our needs for the next two years.
Before designing your questionnaire, you need to look ahead and think carefully about how your're going to anayse the data.
Although the brain is not as efficient as a computer at storing and retrieving information, it can associate different pieces of information, look ahead and plan.

Inglese parola "patrzeć w przyszłość"(look ahead) si verifica in set:

Czasowniki frazalne związane z przeprowadzaniem śl...
przydatne wyrażenia!:)
Phrasal Verbs

2. look forward look forward

I look forward answer from you.
I greatly look forward to reading it!

Inglese parola "patrzeć w przyszłość"(look forward) si verifica in set:

słowka czytanki i działowe 4 5

3. face the future face the future

Inglese parola "patrzeć w przyszłość"(face the future) si verifica in set:

Judgign by appearance

4. look forward to look forward to

I look forward to seeing you soon.
I look forward to seeing you next week.
We look forward to hearing from you
People usually look forward to achieving their goal
I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to our meeting.
I look forward to meeting you next year.
I look forward to your responce
I look forward to that party.
I look forward to meeting you.
I really look forward to meeting you.
I look forward to opening Christmas gifts.
I've never looked forward to a journey more. I look forward to your trial.
I look forward to meeting you

Inglese parola "patrzeć w przyszłość"(look forward to) si verifica in set:

Hey, look at them!