Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

płaczliwy in inglese:

1. tearful

A tearful Oelschlager refused the offer.
She looked at me tearfully.
He looked tearful and almost ready to start crying when his father shouted at him.
After a tearful farewell at the station, we went our separate ways.
The last thing he ever saw was her tearful smile.
Once in bed she felt unable to move at all and became tearful.
I hate tearful farewells - let's just say 'goodbye' and part.
He devoted a whole poem to the blueness of his victim's eyes, which the two policemen read out loud to one another through hysterical, tearful laughter.

Inglese parola "płaczliwy"(tearful) si verifica in set:

Smart Time 3 Unit 5 Słownictwo 82-85
crying, screaming, throwing up
angielski unit 6 part 2
Mirror mirror on the wall
musisz to wykuć

2. weepy

I felt tired and weepy.
she was weepy when her husband was first admitted to hospital

Inglese parola "płaczliwy"(weepy) si verifica in set:

English unit I book
TSH Chapter 2
nauka z friends
Jet and Harley

3. whiny

Or rather, is it not just pathetic that I think such whiny thoughts like this?
Huh? Don't be so whiny! And you call yourself a man!

Inglese parola "płaczliwy"(whiny) si verifica in set:

Coraline (book)
dead of night
12 rules for life
grey's anatomy