Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

opuchnięcie in inglese:

1. swollen

My gums are swollen.
In cold weather, her joints become swollen.
Your feet are swollen because your shoes are too small.
1. My leg is swollen and bleeding. / 2. You should have a black eye or a swollen lip, a broken nose. / 3. It's all right, just a little swollen. / 4. Look, my feet are all swollen.
I drank too much. My face is swollen!
My hamster has a swollen testicle on one side.
My hands became swollen up while taking a long bath.
But when I think of that dream, the swollen dead bodies under the water pulling at my legs, it seems right that friends should come and go.
swollen glands
The middle and forefinger were fused into a nail-less stump and the back of the hand grossly swollen.
Your hand is swollen, did you have fight with somebody?
She fell over when she was training and now her ankle is really swollen
My finger is swollen because I smashed it in the door
Her wrist looks very swollen – perhaps it’s broken.
I went to see the river, which I found greatly swollen.

Inglese parola "opuchnięcie"(swollen) si verifica in set:

Angielski 13-14

2. swelling

How many days will it take until the swelling goes down?
swelling on my ankle
Judging by the swelling, the man must have been bitten by a snake.
Use ice to reduce the swelling.
Bleeding under the skin causing a swelling.
Our country has an issue with a swelling population.
You may have swelling, but don't worry about it.
His knee turned a ghastly blackish purple from the swelling.

Inglese parola "opuchnięcie"(swelling) si verifica in set:

The mechanism of drug action

3. oedema