Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

okradziony in inglese:

1. robbed

My house was robbed while I was away.
A gang of three robbed the bank in broad daylight.
I was robbed of my wallet by the man sitting next to me.
Pretending to be a friend, the man robbed old people of their social security checks.
Masked men held up the passengers and robbed them of their money.
Without your advice, I would have been robbed of my bag.
They robbed stores and threatened public safety.
Gangsters robbed a bank of thousands of dollars.
Someone has robbed us of all our money during our absence.
They robbed my orchard.
Television has robbed cinema of its former popularity.
TV has robbed us of our enjoyment of conversation at dinner at home.
The savage robbed me of my precious jewels and ran away.
The tone of his grandfathers voice robbed Marius of all hope.
An office girl was robbed of an envelope containing 100,000 yen on her way back from the bank.

Inglese parola "okradziony"(robbed) si verifica in set:

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Sprawdzian z angola (Ważne)
14.02 - 20.02
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2. mugged

I've just been mugged.
He was mugged by three men who stole his bike.
The mayor of Naples has apologised to a US tourist who was beaten up by local residents shortly after he was mugged.

Inglese parola "okradziony"(mugged) si verifica in set:

still reading
Friends 10 [8]

3. robbed of

4. ripped of

Inglese parola "okradziony"(ripped of) si verifica in set:

kartkowka podstawa