Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

ograbić in inglese:

1. loot

The thief outwitted the police and got away with his loot.
Shops were looter during the riots.
Jack, as always, took the lion's share of the loot.
During the riot shops were looted and cars damaged or set on fire.

Inglese parola "ograbić"(loot) si verifica in set:

Test 3, 13.12.18 r.

2. harry

The new Harry Potter movie is pretty lame.
What's your favorite Harry Potter book?
Some kid is harrying my son. Enemies harry villages during war. he was wearying of toil and harrying
Stop harrying me, will you?
Sally met Harry at the station.
Harry fell seriously ill.
He succeeded in waking Harry up.
Harry Partch invented scads of musical instruments, many tuned to his 43-tone scale.
Harry was late for class yesterday because of his accident.
A trombonist by trade, Harry sometimes doubles on the euphonium.
Harry, I'm worried.
Is it like "Dirty Harry"?
Harry left his family 200 million yen when he died.
Harry had to back out of the competition because of a broken arm.
I already read all the Harry Potter books.

3. dispossess sb

4. rob

Don't buy your car from that dealership. They'll rob you blind.
As these trees grow tall, they rob the grass of light.
I never robbed a bank.
The bank was robbed yesterday.
He only robs my time
Leaving your suspicious actions I've seen a mystery - are you trying to rob me of my sleep?
They rob, and furthermore cheat each other.
Two men tried to rob the bank but the police caught them.
Tax office robs people.
The bank was robbed. Have you ever been robbed when you were abroad?
I rob from the rich and give to the poor.
He robed five people in Texas
The gang robbed the post office last year.
A robber is someone who robs people or places of their money or property. We say rob somebody of something, rob a place
One can even buy a so-called Religion, which is really but common morality sanctified with flowers and music. Rob the Church of her accessories and what remains behind?

Inglese parola "ograbić"(rob) si verifica in set:

Solutions Gold Upper-Inter

5. harvested

The rice is already harvested.
The number of empty harvested fields along the roads is increasing right now.

6. to sack

Helen's boss threatened to sack her if she's again late.