Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

odnowić in inglese:

1. renew

I must renew my passport.
I need to renew my ID card.
I need to renew my subscription.
Tom needs to renew his passport before the fifteenth of next month.
I congratulate him and Governor Palin for all they have achieved, and I look forward to working with them to renew this nation's promise in the months ahead.
It looks like we've been able to fill in that one year gap and renew our old friendship.
He asked me to renew the bond.
I had to get the visa renewed
Membership must be renewed annually.
They didn't want to renew our contract.
She renewed her contacts with the royal family
I've decided not to renew my golf club membership this year.
I need to renew my driving license.
if you renew an official document such as a driving licence or passport, you extend the time during which it can be used
It's time to renew my car registration.

Inglese parola "odnowić"(renew) si verifica in set:

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2. do up

Could you help me do up my dress?
He decided to do up the flat
We love the new house, but it is going to cost a lot of money to do up
It's cold today, so make sure you do up your coat.
Good boy Alex! You know how to do up your coat now!

Inglese parola "odnowić"(do up) si verifica in set:

4 kolumna - dział 2
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Repetytorium unit 2
phrasal verbs

3. restore

The Japanese fiscal authorities are weighing measures to restore public confidence in their economic management.
Batman restored order in the city.
Peace-keeping troops moved in to restore calm after the battle.
The object that were stolen from her were later restored to her by the police.
I restored this old car. It looks beautiful now.
Since many organizations are putting effort into recycling in order to restore the natural environment, why won't you contribute to reforestation?
How on earth can we restore our youth?
Lemonade restore his good humor.
The government will restore land and property to those who lost it through confiscation
To restore is defined as to bring or put back to a former condition or to give back.
restore the stock
The army were called in to restore law and order.
The painting was restored in 1975.

Inglese parola "odnowić"(restore) si verifica in set:

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4. renovate

We need to renovate the premises.
He renovates old houses and sells them at a profit.
We're going to renovate our house this month. We'll start by knocking down a wall in the kitchen.
We need to renovate the castle so it will be closed to the public for six months.

Inglese parola "odnowić"(renovate) si verifica in set:

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5. have it renewed

Inglese parola "odnowić"(have it renewed) si verifica in set:

Władaj i gadaj 10 - Przed podróżą
angielski w pociagu
Przed podróżą
Przed podróżą
Przed podróżą

6. refurbish

The hotel is closed for refurbishment.
After being refurbished the old Triumph motorcycle commanded the handsome price of $6000.

Inglese parola "odnowić"(refurbish) si verifica in set:

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7. redecorate

This condo is getting old. Why don't we redecorate to give it a fresh feel?
We have to redecorate our flat

Inglese parola "odnowić"(redecorate) si verifica in set:

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word formation

8. to revive

The decision to revive a brand should always be backed by making the necessary investments in it. Revive an economy / business / market / sales / profits. Almost a quarter of the workforce is being laid off in an attempt to revive falling profits.
She tried to revive the unconscious woman.

Inglese parola "odnowić"(to revive) si verifica in set:

panstwo i społeczenstwo 2
Państwo i spełeczeństwo

9. refuse

She will probably refuse to follow his advice, because she doesn't like him.
Tom didn't have the courage to refuse to do what Mary asked him to do.
Never choose a vocation just because your friends are in it, nor refuse another just because your worst enemy is in it.
Don't refuse me.
Most people will refuse to admit they've made a mistake.
This noise is something which I refuse to put up with.
When Sony came back with a 2 billion bid, CBS could not refuse.
When children are ordered to do a certain thing by such adult standards, they frequently refuse to follow the instructions for no other reason than that they have been told to do so.
1. That's an offer I can't refuse. / 2. You know I can't refuse you anything.
The head teacher refused the students permission to have a party in the school hall.
(turn) My neighbour refused ... down the music and I had to call the police.
Even if they refuse, you can take a bottle of good wine with you.
no business will refuse to supply a good customer. she refused a cigarette
His request was refused.
She may well refuse to speak to you because she's in a very bad mood.