Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

niesmak in inglese:

1. disgust

Everybody looked at me with disgust.
I can't think about his act without feeling disgust.
I think smoking is a disgusting habit.
There was a sense of disgust when the thief stole from the charity donation box.
react in disgust
I always view this photo with disgust.
The judge made no bones about his disgust with the accused's actions and handed down the severest sentence possible.
He could not hide his disgust at the task he was to perform.
I felt disgust at his behavior.
Her face reflects disgust and sadness, rather than anger.

Inglese parola "niesmak"(disgust) si verifica in set:

the assassin and the pirat lord
angielski słówka happily
Angielski kartkówka
feelings and emotions
hp 1 chapter 3

2. distaste

My apathy for voting comes from my distaste for politics.
After hours of browsing TV Tropes, Lyle could predict the ending of any show. This gave him a distaste for entertainment that, in a roundabout way, enabled him to make time for a more productive life.

Inglese parola "niesmak"(distaste) si verifica in set:

Powtórka przed kolokwium
DDL - seria 4