Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

naciskać na coś in inglese:

1. push for push for

2. insist on

I insist on having a lot of practice in English
he insist on paying for my dinner
Why did you insist on leaving early?
If you insist on something, you say that you must have it or it must be done.
I don't know why you insist on talking about it.
I will insist on opening the shops on Sunday.
to insist on doing sth

3. to press

I was waiting for a long time for someone to show up. Then I remembered I had forgotten to press the button.

Inglese parola "naciskać na coś"(to press) si verifica in set:

S B3 2/1 Crop circles

4. put pressure on something

Inglese parola "naciskać na coś"(put pressure on something) si verifica in set:

11.2019 FCE II

5. put your feet down

Inglese parola "naciskać na coś"(put your feet down) si verifica in set:

Zintegrowane 4

6. press on something

Inglese parola "naciskać na coś"(press on something) si verifica in set:

Call the Doctor

7. push for something

Inglese parola "naciskać na coś"(push for something) si verifica in set:

Phrasal Verbs 001-004

8. press on

They're determined to press on with their plans despite opposition.
Ok, let's press on and try to reach the top by lunchtime.

Inglese parola "naciskać na coś"(press on) si verifica in set:

Places rozszerzenie

9. to press for something

Inglese parola "naciskać na coś"(to press for something) si verifica in set:

Terrorist Attacks