Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

metoda prób i błędów in inglese:

1. trial and error trial and error

I found the answer by trial and error, which obviously took little more time.
Edison made a light bulb by trial and error. He carried out thousands of experiments before he succeeded.
There aren't any instructions with it - it's just a matter of trial and error.
Within a year of learning the game, mostly through trial and error, it became evident that Phiona had a special gift
There were lots of keys, but we found the right one by trial and error.
I learned that by trial and error
Most of their discoveries were made by trial and error.
The professor came up with the right proportions through trial and error.

Inglese parola "metoda prób i błędów"(trial and error) si verifica in set:

Powtórzenie przed sprawdzianem
komputer i internet, nauka
lang6, mat 6 rev 6
herbs and spices

2. trial and error method

Inglese parola "metoda prób i błędów"(trial and error method) si verifica in set:

TED - słownictwo

3. process of trial and error

Inglese parola "metoda prób i błędów"(process of trial and error) si verifica in set:

spr dział 7 i 8

4. Trial and error problem solving

Inglese parola "metoda prób i błędów"(Trial and error problem solving) si verifica in set:

angielski 222 polski angielski
angielski słówka pol ang