Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

maniak komputerowy in inglese:

1. computer freak computer freak

Inglese parola "maniak komputerowy"(computer freak) si verifica in set:

Angielski wszystko podstawy zwierzęta miesiące dni...
klasa 7 unit 4 row 1
English Class A2+ U4
new technology
granat moździeżowy

2. nerd nerd

a computer nerd
He's a nerd, of course he will pass the test.

Inglese parola "maniak komputerowy"(nerd) si verifica in set:

Metal strenght, ductility
NETWORDS bbc english

3. Computer nerd Computer nerd

Inglese parola "maniak komputerowy"(Computer nerd) si verifica in set:

60 Technology and its impact
Pani Asia spr. media