Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

klimat umiarkowany in inglese:

1. moderate climate moderate climate

Poland has a moderate climate.
This district has a moderate climate, hot in summer and cold in winter.

Inglese parola "klimat umiarkowany"(moderate climate) si verifica in set:

słówka z angielskiego maclaz świat przyrody 1
The natural world UNIT 13 Express Publishing
13.3 (świat przyrody - the weather)
The Natural World part 1 by K-mille
Lesson 13, subject 1, Weather

2. temperate climate temperate climate

Inglese parola "klimat umiarkowany"(temperate climate) si verifica in set:

seasons and climate - unit 13 pearson
Pogoda i warunku klimatyczne
33 Describing the world
Słówka Geografia
24.10.23 tasmania

3. mild climate

I'm very fortunate to live in a mild climate.

Inglese parola "klimat umiarkowany"(mild climate) si verifica in set:

Świat przyrody 1
świat przyrody
U 13 - cz. 1

4. temperature climate