Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

kleszcze in inglese:

1. ticks ticks

... off his watch, which ticks, like a metal pulse...
I hate ticks!

Inglese parola "kleszcze"(ticks) si verifica in set:

biol ang tapeworms - mollusca - słówka 1
What's the story behind Labour Day?
Fiszki z książki - "The Little Navajo Herder" (Ann...
Fiszki z książki - "A Republic Without a President...
veterinary topography

2. tongs tongs

a pair of tongs
The tongs won't hold it, it's too big, so I use the tongs to divert its attention and grab it by the scruff of the neck

Inglese parola "kleszcze"(tongs) si verifica in set:

March 20 2024

3. forceps forceps

My forceps.
forceps /ˈfɔ: seps; US / noun [pl.] a special instrument that looks like a pair of scissors but is not sharp. Forceps are used by doctors for holding things firmly a pair of forceps ▶ kleszcze

Inglese parola "kleszcze"(forceps) si verifica in set:

Technik sterylizacji medycznej 27.02.2021
Słowa na F-6
dalej słówka