Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

gruzy in inglese:

1. debris debris

It's about time I cleaned the debris in my room.
Victims were trying to make their way through the debris
You need to be focused when you remove debris in between your teeth.
Several people were injured by flying debris in the explosion.
Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.
Many could still be buried below the debris.
It took a week to clean up the debris after the explosion
Dawn revealed pools of dried blood, smashed children’s strollers, an uneaten baguette and other debris strewn about the promenade
There is a lot of debris on the construction site.
workmen were clearing the roads of the debris from shattered buildings

Inglese parola "gruzy"(debris) si verifica in set:

pytanie strona 32, 33, 40, 42, 110
Angielski Chemiczny klasa 2 technikum NooBY
Fiszki z książki - "The Halifax Catastrophe" (Anon...
lista 1 semestr zimowy 19/20
FCE Unit 8 - part 1

2. ruins ruins

Although the government refuses to admit it, its economic policy is in ruins.
The ruins are worth seeing.
You can see the ancient ruins in the distance.
The explosion reduced the facilities to ruins.
a castle in ruins
The sight of the ruins brought home to him the meaning of war.
There's nothing that ruins life as much as premature ejaculation.
The ruins of the ancient city can still be seen.
The study made it clear that smoking ruins our health.
Money ruins many.
Tatoeba: Where nothing ruins a passionate night of sentence-making like a poorly placed comma or, even worse, a careless typo.
The town in ruins, burning, people and children being killed.
a castle in ruins. The ruins are within walking distance of the city centre
There are ruins of old city
Ruins are inside us.

Inglese parola "gruzy"(ruins) si verifica in set:

Fiszki z książki - "Oxford Poetry 1917" (Various)
Fiszki z książki - "Tragedy" (Ashley H. Thorndike)
UNIT 3 Cutting Edge Intermediate Student's Book
Fiszki z książki - "A Lame Dog's Diary" (S. Macnau...
Fiszki z książki - "The Evening Hours" (Émile Verh...

3. rubble rubble

There's a man pinned under some rubble that we're still trying to free.
A bomb reduced the houses to rubble.
They cleared away the rubble of the house that was pulled down.
There is rubble all over the yard.

Inglese parola "gruzy"(rubble) si verifica in set:

Here is the news Natural calamities 2
9/11 New York
świat przyrody
The Hunger Games