Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

godziny otwarcia in inglese:

1. opening times opening times

Inglese parola "godziny otwarcia"(opening times) si verifica in set:

Trips and sightseeing / Wycieczki i zwiedzanie
means of transport and thier use part 2 and trips ...
Tourist information / Informacja turystyczna
Tourist information / Informacja turystyczna
Express publishing rozszerzenie unit 7

2. opening hours opening hours

What are the opening hours?
The museum opening hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Inglese parola "godziny otwarcia"(opening hours) si verifica in set:

Super powers 6.5 od basket do note
Enterprise 1 - Companion - Unit 5
orange 908 - 959
angielski klasa 6 lekcja 6
Selling and buying

3. opening and closing time opening and closing time

Inglese parola "godziny otwarcia"(opening and closing time) si verifica in set:

Repetytorium Unit 6 (Podróżowanie)
informacja turystyczna
Tourist information