Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

gazetami in inglese:

1. newspapers newspapers

Newspapers and television stations around the world told the story of Koko and her kitten.
He delivers newspapers.
According to the newspapers, he will be here today.
Will newspapers be able to survive?
Not a day seems to pass without newspapers reporting the war.
Newspapers, television, and radio are called the mass media.
Is he the man painted by the newspapers as an up-and-coming scholar?
People in general have faith in everything newspapers say.
Newspapers, magazines, and newscasts tell what is going on in the world.
For fear of the newspapers politicians are dull, and at last they are too dull even for the newspapers.
We depended on the newspapers for information about it.
The newspapers gave a lot of space to the affair.
A boy was giving out newspapers in the rain.
The Prime Minister tried to cover up the scandal, but that just made it worse when the newspapers discovered the truth.