to flutter
Inglese parola "fruwać"(to flutter) si verifica in set:
HP, t3, r3, cz.32.
Birds fly.
On the fifteenth of August, thousands of people fly kites.
Birds can fly thousands of miles away and return to the same place every year.
This wasn't here this morning ... looks like somebody's been fly tipping.
We have new data about production and sale of electric fly swatters worldwide.
Baseball players should allow for the wind in catching a fly.
It takes eight hours to fly from Zurich to Boston, but only six for the return trip.
When booking flights, I decided the easiest way would be to fly to Beijing first, then get the train to complete my journey.
What am I going to do? I can't close my fly.
I wonder if they don't have meetings anymore where strong words fly and everyone goes at each other tooth and nail.
fly {rzecz.} ucieczka, mucha, latanie, rozporek | fly {przym.} szybkie, przebiegły, szybki, zamek błyskawiczny, szybka, wartki | to fly {czas.} lecieć, polecieć, latać, przelatywać, śpieszyć, pilotować, pierzchać, śpieszyć się, uciekać, fruwać
You can use a rolled-up newspaper for killing a fly or moth.
To fly big passenger airliners calls for long training and experience.
Fred has very little patience, and it doesn't take much to make him fly off the handle.
Inglese parola "fruwać"(fly) si verifica in set:
Japanese flags were flying.
Flying against a strong wind is very difficult.
I was abducted and impregnated by wolves who landed their flying saucer in my backyard.
A furious elephant kicks out the fencing of his enclosure and sends the keeper flying.
All that time the things granddad had said, like the sound of flies flying round a melon, buzzed in my head.
Well, for the practical problem, in the midst of those rumours flying around I'm surprised they've been able to keep that club running.
If it hadn't been for Lindbergh's luck and his knowledge of flying, he could never have succeeded in crossing the Atlantic.
Many years ago flying used to be glamorous. Now it's just a pain in the neck!
I am the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Thou shalt have no other monsters before Me. (Afterwards is OK; just use protection.) The only Monster who deserves capitalization is Me! Other monsters are false monsters, undeserving of capitalization.
Pastafarians believe that an invisible and undetectable Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe.
He was accustomed to flying alone, and he had flown this route in his imagination many times.
Carpets have the effect of a dust pocket, with merit of sucking up dust and stopping it flying around, but you can say that effect backfires.
You play the game by pounding the table when prompted, until the end where you flip the table over to send simulated food and cutlery flying.
After rounding the Dragon's Tooth, the wind was on our side, and we were flying. It felt like we were running twice as fast.
The guard's truncheon hit air. Off balance, he regained his posture to see a metal-mesh rubbish bin flying towards him.
Inglese parola "fruwać"(flying) si verifica in set:
Werka unit 3 kl.3