Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

dzieło sztuki in inglese:

1. work of art work of art

work of art, artwork, art piece, piece of art or art object is an aesthetic physical item or artistic creation
Look at that painting! It is a precious work of art!

Inglese parola "dzieło sztuki"(work of art) si verifica in set:

Unit 8 General+Adjectives to talk about art
Design and invention, at an exhibition, visual art...
rep ang dział 9 sztuki plastyczne i środki masoweg...
Olive Green A1 Wyłuskane na koniec
9 Wyrażenia i Wydarzenia kulturalne

2. piece of art piece of art

Rarely do you see such a beautiful piece of art.

Inglese parola "dzieło sztuki"(piece of art) si verifica in set:

Arek, Kultura do programów telewizyjnych
kultura - macmillan matura podstawowa
Słówka Longman Repetytorium pp str. 152
Dziedziny kultury - pojęcia ogólne
Art and culture: Art and culture

3. masterpiece masterpiece

The writer's final book turned out to be a masterpiece.
He was surprised to find the great artist's masterpiece hung on the wall upside down.
I like this picture, not because it is a masterpiece, but because it has charm.
The millionaire intended to purchase the masterpiece regardless of cost.
Pieta is a masterpiece
Mary Shelley was just 18 when she wrote the horror masterpiece ‘Frankenstein’.
His masterpiece has not appeared yet.
The lecture you gave yesterday was a masterpiece.
Not all are called to be artists in the specific sense of the term. Yet, as Genesis has it, all men and women are entrusted with the task of crafting their own life: in a certain sense, they are to make of it a work of art, a masterpiece.
"Romeo and Juliet' by Sheakspere is a masterpiece.
This long-lost masterpiece will not be for sale for a long time.
Her press conference was a masterpiece of media manipulation.
How do you like my new painting? I think I've created a masterpiece!
The premiere of this masterpiece was a humiliating disaster
“The Satanic Verses” by Salman Rushdie is a real masterpiece of modern literature.

Inglese parola "dzieło sztuki"(masterpiece) si verifica in set:

Portraits For The Homeless
Michał, słówka 8
słowka angielski pigułka
Maja, słówka 20
Kurs w pracy

4. artwork artwork

We changed the artwork last year.
The person who is responsible for artwork is called a typographer.
This artwork excited much controversy in the world of art.
In many cases, the image that comes to mind when you listen to music is that of the CD's artwork.

Inglese parola "dzieło sztuki"(artwork) si verifica in set:

Blind Braille Artist Clarke Reynolds
Fantasy Fits From Raw Materials
My perspectives 4 wordlist
Unit 3 Listening p. 48
I Live in a Dumpster

5. piece art piece art

6. art piece art piece

Inglese parola "dzieło sztuki"(art piece) si verifica in set:

czasowniki nieregularne