Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

dysząc in inglese:

1. panting

So, you get food in your mouth, "bell, food, [making panting sound] bell, food, [another panting sound]" and now "bell [panting]."
She was panting.
The dog lay panting after his long chase.
He was panting to have a go at it.
She is panting from playing basketball.
Puffing and panting we continued to run with renewed vigor.

Inglese parola "dysząc"(panting) si verifica in set:

harry potter kamien filozoficzny
Harry Potter chalter 3rd
Słownictwo frekwencyjne: 6000 - 7000
Sherlock series - 02
The walking dead s2e1

2. panted

He panted under a heavy load.

Inglese parola "dysząc"(panted) si verifica in set:

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter Kamień filozoficzny ❄️
alor on dons
podpowiadane z fiszkoteki
Chain of Thorns