Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

do ponownego wykorzystania in inglese:

1. to reuse

2. reusable

It is reusable and designed to last for up to 10 years.
I own several reusable shopping bags made of recyclable materials.
I pack my kids' school lunch in reusable containers.
Glass jars are reusable because you can clean them and keep other things in them.
I have never gone shopping without a reusable bag
I always use reusable bags
Don't torów away the bottles. They ale reusable.
I forgot to take my reusable shopping bag.
reusable containers
Material bags are more expensive but reusable.

Inglese parola "do ponownego wykorzystania"(reusable) si verifica in set:

Słówka - warzywa