Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

daremnie in inglese:

1. in vain

We tried to do this several times, but it was all in vain.
Don't cry in vain.
Don't speak God's name in vain!
The doctors tried to save the dying man but in vain. How can you say that our soldiers died in vain?!
I tried in vain to start a conversation
I WISH but it's all in vain
I feel like i'm trying to learn my husband english in vain
I tried to convince the other board members, but my efforts were in vain, and they outvoted me.
The doctors tried to save the dying man but in vain
We tried to solve the problem, in vain
I cried and cried in vain. Nobody would have heard me anyway as the walls were soundproof.
The family's complaints were in vain.
that wasn't in vain
They tried to persuade her to join the race but in vain. She stuck to her guns and kept saying no.
Let it not be in vain. / Don't be using God's name in vain.

2. futilely

3. of no avail

4. idly

She lay idly on the grass.
I am not writing to you to pass the time idly
i'm running idly
At various points, he started idly scrolling through his “Rolodex,” or his contacts, which he described as “the one thing I never lost.” The Rolodex serves as a reminder of wild times (and not-so-wild: “That’s my P.O.
Don't look away idly; just pay attention to what you're doing.
I usually spend the whole day idly on Sunday.
He was idly turning over the pages of a magazine.
He lived idly and found himself already forty years old.
He often spends his time idly.

5. Futile

a futile attempt/effort; it is futile to do something
I did my best to learn to dance but all my attempts proved futile.
Going to the local police for help is often futile
But so far as I can see, thinking about such things is not futile.
It's completely futile trying to reason with him - he just won't listen.
It just seems so futile, you know? All these women and nothing!
Although stoichiometrically possible, these modes involve futile cycling of carbon across the internal membranes to dissipate energy
No sooner had I Fixed the washmashine than it turned out that my effort was futile
... later years on a futile search for a unified...
Such a fight would be both futile and ridiculous.
It isn't futile to go to university.
If one plants an oak, it is futile to hope to soon be able to take cover under its leaves.