Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

dalsza rodzina in inglese:

1. extended family extended family

My boyfriend comes from an extended family.
Do you live with your extended family?
I am in extended family.
She grew up surrounded by a large extended family.
In future, the typical extended family will consist of three or four small generations.
my extended family is large
My girlfriend has a very large extended family.
I have a big extended family, including 18 cousins!
Your aunts, your uncles and your cousins are your extended family.
We live in this house as an extended family.
She goes to visit her extended family in India once a year.

Inglese parola "dalsza rodzina"(extended family) si verifica in set:

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2. distant family distant family

I seldom keep in touch with my distant family.