Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

być zły na kogoś in inglese:

1. be angry with someone be angry with someone

2. be angry with sb be angry with sb

Inglese parola "być zły na kogoś"(be angry with sb) si verifica in set:

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3. be angry with somebody be angry with somebody

4. resent resent

I resent his rude attitude.
She resents being paid less than her co-workers.
She bitterly resented her father's new wife.
I’ve always resented my father for leaving the family.
she resented the fact that I had children
I resent your cynical remarks.
She'd grown cold against him, resenting him because he had a good job whilst she'd chosen to be a housewife.
My boss resents the idea.
The girls resented all the attention Peter was getting.
I resent having to work late. He resents the fact that she gets more money than he does.
Do not resent me.
The girls did not seem to resent their mother.
Resent is defined as to feel hurt or offended by something or someone. An example of resent is the feeling an older brother feels about the amount of attention paid to a younger sibling.
He deeply resented his parents giving more attention to his younger sister. He thought it unfair.
The truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is.

5. be angry at someone be angry at someone

6. be angry with be angry with

Please don't be angry with me.
Don't be angry with me.

Inglese parola "być zły na kogoś"(be angry with) si verifica in set:

wordlidt 7 i 8

7. be cross with somebody be cross with somebody

8. be angry with something be angry with something

9. to be annoyed at sb to be annoyed at sb

10. be mad of sb be mad of sb

11. be cross with sb be cross with sb