Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

być wyluzowanym in inglese:

1. make somebody feel at ease make somebody feel at ease

2. to be laid back

Inglese parola "być wyluzowanym"(to be laid back) si verifica in set:

archibald 5.2
anna- cwiczenia 7.I

3. be cool under pressure

Inglese parola "być wyluzowanym"(be cool under pressure) si verifica in set:

OutComes vol2

4. be eased

Inglese parola "być wyluzowanym"(be eased) si verifica in set:


5. to be as cool as cucumber

6. be Easy going

7. be as cool as a cucumber

8. be chilled

Inglese parola "być wyluzowanym"(be chilled) si verifica in set:

L13 nomophobia + prepositions