Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

Zapamiętywać in inglese:

1. Memorise Memorise

memorise her phone number
in other words, to have them memorised and not written down
Try to memorise the work the teacher gives you.

Inglese parola "Zapamiętywać"(Memorise) si verifica in set:

English With Błażej

2. remember

Now I remember.
Cue cards are used primarily on television to help the actors remember their lines.
Now you've mentioned it, I remember coming here with my parents when I was a child.
Remember that oversleeping is no excuse for being late.
Whenever I hear that song, I remember my youth.
Choose a particular event you remember well.
Tom had been Mary's best friend for as long as she could remember.
Unless it's something fairly impressive, I won't remember it.
I remember it as if it were yesterday, but in reality it was fifteen years ago.
When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it happened or not.
I remember singing scales every day during music lessons.
I remember the event as vividly as if it were just yesterday.
You were thoughtful to remember me in this way.
A good password should be difficult to guess, but easy to remember.
I remember having a hot discussion about the matter with him.

Inglese parola "Zapamiętywać"(remember) si verifica in set:

Unit 1 - Student’s book