Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

Wpaść na kogoś in inglese:

1. bump into

bump into
They're smart enough, we hope, not to bump into each other.

2. Bump into someone

Inglese parola "Wpaść na kogoś"(Bump into someone) si verifica in set:

Phrasal verbs

3. Call on somebody

Inglese parola "Wpaść na kogoś"(Call on somebody) si verifica in set:

Kurs WSB B1 część 1

4. crash into sb

5. Run into

i was walking by the street wen i run into one of my friend i was driving the car and i run into a tree.
You'll run into problems if you take this case.
Be careful not to run into debt.
Young people often run into difficulties.

6. crash into someone

7. drop in

Why don’t you drop in for coffee some time?
if you are in the neighbourhood, please drop in
If you're in town next month, we'd love to see you. Please try to drop in.
You can drop in tomorrow in the afternoon.
Among the many delights of Christmas Eve in Poland is the custom of setting an empty place for an unexpected friend, relative or stranger who happens to drop in.
If you are in NY some day, don't forget to drop in.

8. To run into somebody