Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

Włącz in inglese:

1. Turn on

turn on the radio / TV
It's dark in here. Can you turn on the light?
When I drive car I turn on the radio.
Could you turn on the light, please?
turn on the light
don't turn on the tv
Can you turn on the TV, please?
The party will turn on him immediately.
Could you turn on the TV? There's a good film on.
I will turn on my computer and check the internet.
Can you turn on the TV? There's something I want to watch.
[Could you turn on the radio, please?]
Pease turn on the radio, because it's starting radio three's charts.
turn on the radio, please
Let's turn on the TV.

Inglese parola "Włącz"(Turn on) si verifica in set:

Lekcja 39 – Phrasal verbs - czasowniki frazowe
Phrasal verbs