Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

To znaczy in inglese:

1. That is to say That is to say

That is to say, he started to tell me something. That is to say, he was not going to give up. Our friends, that is to say our son's friends, will meet us at the airport.
You passed the test, that is to say, you have been accepted.

Inglese parola "To znaczy"(That is to say) si verifica in set:

Conflict an warfare/ Discourse markers
Zwroty z zaimkami wskazującymi
linking words

2. That means

Inglese parola "To znaczy"(That means) si verifica in set:

aglik matura 2019

3. This means

Inglese parola "To znaczy"(This means) si verifica in set:

British Council
Sam wyłapałem

4. it stands for

Inglese parola "To znaczy"(it stands for) si verifica in set:

mmmEnglish - Asking Questions in English
12 listopada różne + biznes
walking dead