Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

Odpowiadać in inglese:

1. Reply Reply

Don't you think it's rude to give people such a curt reply like that?
Please reply.
The password is "Mountain". If someone says "Mountain", you reply "River".
Regarding Professor Scott's final criticism I have nothing more to add to what I said in my previous reply.
We'll release the final agenda on the morning of Monday, January 20, so please reply quickly.
Such an accurate, lightning-quick reply. What can I say?
Here's the Robert's reply. "You mean Robert's?" "No, it's the Robert. There's only one."
From the menu-bar's "Reply" select "create follow-up message". The message you reply to is quoted.
Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who in the land is fairest of all? And then the mirror would always reply: "You, my queen, are fairest of all."
What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens.
My predecessors had asked their questions of nature with genuine curiosity and awaited her reply.
"I don't understand," she replied. He didn't reply to my email. Henry replied that he had no idea what I was talking about.
Why does everybody have to reply to them when you can just ignore the cracked-sounding ones?
To the query, "What is a friend?" his reply was "A single soul dwelling in two bodies."
Only ask questions to which the reply can be either "yes" or "no".

Inglese parola "Odpowiadać"(Reply) si verifica in set:

Angielski - lekcja 1, 19 marca 2022r.
Wojciech Spring Term 2019
orange czasowniki 41-85
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słówka wszystkie

2. Respond

You'll get brownie points if you respond quickly.
Children learn to respond to rhythmical sounds from a very young age.
You can respond faster?
Please respond.
When speaking in Japan, it may seem like you're not listening if you do not respond while somebody speaks to you.
People are presenting reasons for not fulfilling their obligation to respond.
Ruby on Rails is an agile development platform, which means we can respond to feedback from our customers very quickly.
I'd like the government to respond resolutely so as to not end up looking timid.
We respond to the delicate beauty of the cherry blossoms in the spring moonlight.
Child-care leave and time off to care for the aged are needed in order to respond to demographic changes now taking place in Japan.
Keith didn’t respond to my emails, so I phoned to see if he was okay.
I do not know to respond
I didn't respond to your text message because my phone had no battery
If people ask for your help, always respond positively.

Inglese parola "Odpowiadać"(Respond) si verifica in set:

UNIT 1 Foundation - The Legal Profession
Don't Sweat the small stuff at work
orange czasowniki

3. to answer

I have to answer customers' inquiries.
Try to answer the following questions...

Inglese parola "Odpowiadać"(to answer) si verifica in set:

biuro, budynki, cechy, cialo, czas, czasowniki
Słowa funkcyjne
czas, czasowniki