Dizionario Giapponese - Inglese

日本語, にほんご - English

沢山の in inglese:

1. a lot

We should drink a lot of water.
Parents took a lot of photos.
I read a lot. / I love you a lot.
do you go to the cinema a lot?
a lot OF
Pandas eat a lot every day.
I read a lot
I like Warsaw a lot.
I have a lot of money
Everybody wants to earn a lot.
There are a lot of vegetables in the basket.
a lot of books
I understood a lot.
I love Milenka a lot
I eat a lot of fish.

Inglese parola "沢山の"(a lot) si verifica in set:

And, or, but, so - ~と、か、が、だからなど