Dizionario Ungherese - Inglese

magyar - English

visszavinni in inglese:

1. take back

You'd better take back that remark.
I think I'll take back these jeans I bought. They're too small.
I admit that I was wrong about Helen. I take back everything I said about her.
I admit that I was wrong about Ann. I take back everything I said about her.
Adam took his new trousers back as he discovered a flaw on them. / I admit that I was wrong about Helen. I take back everything I said about her.
I wanted to take back the jumper, but I didn’t have the receipt.
I think I’ll take back these jeans I bought. They’re too small.
You can't take back what you said, I know
I take back what I said.
I made him take back what he said about my taste in music.
You'd better take back what you said about her or you'll regret it.
You’d better take back what you said about her or you’ll regret it.

Inglese parola "visszavinni"(take back) si verifica in set:

phrasal verbs