Prosecutors in court have to substantiate their claims in order to prove a suspect is guilty.
The attitude of the court toward young criminals is different from its attitude toward adult criminals.
For the crime of first degree murder, this court hereby sentences you to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
In Shakespeare's time, in the sixteenth century, tennis was very popular at the English court.
In court role judge.
King Henry VIII had a tennis court at Hampton Court, his palace on the River Thames, not very far from London.
That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.
There appeared at this time a lady at Court, who drew the eyes of the whole world; and one may imagine she was a perfect beauty, to gain admiration in a place where there were so many fine women.
The judge, though a stickler for the dignity of the bench, was a great pipe smoker and allowed the attorneys the privilege of smoking in court.
The state court effected unconstitutional legislation without the federal government noticing.
In court facing charges of obscenity, the American actress Mae West was asked by the judge if she was trying to show disrespect to the court, whereupon she answered, "No, your honor, I'm trying not to show it".
Also as they are in an intimate relationship they are in a situation where it is easy for them to suffer from violence and difficult for them to bring complaints about that to court.
The Court has no fears for the safety of the Christian religion. It does not believe that the rock upon which Christianity stands can ever be shaken.
About 14,000 of these usually have tickets for the Center Court.
Never were finer women or more accomplished men seen in any Court, and Nature seemed to have taken pleasure in lavishing her greatest graces on the greatest persons.
Although each person follows a different path, our destinations are the same.
A critically wounded elephant went berserk and attacked every living thing in his path.
Consider the path.
Right, while we're taking a walk anyway, we could like go along the woodland path and enjoy a little stroll through the forest…
He is one of the rottenest fellows that have ever crossed my path.
He who wants to travel the path of wisdom must not fear failure, for no matter how much progress he makes, his goal remains unattainably far off.
Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing A happy daisy, in the garden path That so your silver foot might press me going, Might press me going even unto death.
He who walks the straight and narrow path must resist temptations of all sorts.
At the end of the path there was a mailbox. One day, there was an exciting letter in it, and it was for me.
Fighter jets were scrambled to intercept an airliner that deviated from its flight path.
Every rugby player’s path is hard.
A pathway of flowers is laid out in Independence Square
That car in the middle of the path is an inconvenience.
I wish people would stop throwing away empty cans and other trash along the path up the mountain.
It is really no great secret that the right move in each position is the sure path to victory.
When negotiations stalled, he managed to put them back on track.
track details
Whatever the reason, forfeiting the trade that we finally got on track is a fiasco.
How to track the least visited pages and what to do with them?
How are air traffic controllers able to keep track of so many planes at once?
You know I am not born to tread in the beaten track — the peculiar bent of my nature pushes me on.
We sped into the narrow track, hardly dropping any speed. "It's a short cut!" "Oi! It's a footpath!!"
Interpol said the suspect was tracked to Thailand.
I've been tracking this packege sent to France
we should know that there are far more people tracking us than we realise
śledzić, tropić, Der.: tracker (n)
They visit local projects periodically to track developments.
16 laps of the track; athletics track; (motor-) racing track; cycling track
Some country roads cross the railway track and drivers have to be very careful.
The high speed, high comfort electric train Minsk—Brest will depart in five minutes from the fourth track at the second platform.
Inglese parola "pálya"(track) si verifica in set:
Hungary's best sledge tracks