Dizionario Ungherese - Inglese

magyar - English

hangsúlyoz in inglese:

1. emphasize

The politician emphasized the main points.
I want to emphasize this point in particular.
You should emphasize that fact.
he jabbed a finger into the tabletop to emphasize his point
I would like to emphasize the Confucian values that exist within this group.
It is most important to emphasize that none of these processes are conscious.
He emphasizes the words funnily.
This dress emphasizes her breats.
She emphasized that her plan would mean sacrifices and hard work.
She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones.
He, for example emphasized the military apect
it should be emphasized that...; emphasizes the need to
emphasize that the GDP is a respected and valid tool
I would like to emphasize
Japanese companies emphasize hierarchy.