Dizionario gaelico - Inglese

Gàidhlig - English

grèine in inglese:

1. sunshine

The sunshine improved his complexion.
This room gets sunshine.
As food and drink is to animals, so are rain and sunshine to plants.
A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine.
In addition to water, sunshine is absolutely necessary for plant life.
Sunshine is beneficial to plants.
These days, when people emigrate, it is not so much in search of sunshine, or food, or even servants.
The morning sunshine is so bright that I can't look at it.
Plants and animals require more sunshine than is generally supposed.
Cold and dry, splendid sunshine, what beautiful winter weather!
When Alexander the Great addressed him with greetings, and asked if he wanted anything, Diogenes replied "Yes, stand a little out of my sunshine."
I felt so good as I lazed in the sunshine that I drifted off to sleep.
sunshine is bright light and warmth that comes from the sun when the weather is fine and there no clouds
Can you help me repair the fridge, sunshine?
The sea is very beautiful, especially when sunshine overshines it.