Dizionario Inglese - Inglese

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controversial in inglese:

1. contentious

I do little very little contentious work; most of my time is spent drafting contracts.
contentious claim, proceeding
That is not a contentious issue; a nominal budget line of one billion euros should be maintained.
The book raises some quite contentious issues.
She has some very contentious views on education.
And even if they stuck around, a post-mortem is very contentious.
contentious nature of research
a quite contentious nature of research
a quite contentious nature of research; contentious issue

2. controversy

We sided with him in the controversy.
Since the 17th century, scientists who have engaged in public political controversy have often been judged harshly by scientific colleagues, as well as by political adversaries.
There is a big controversy about the government’s new law.
This is where controversy takes over.
The question excited much controversy.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
The senator remained neutral in the furious controversy.
Change is one thing, progress is another. "Change" is scientific, "progress" is ethical; change is indubitable, whereas progress is a matter of controversy.
Let's take advantage of the 'exemption' controversy to reconsider the way we work.
Such things as the textbook controversy, lack of recognition of historical events, and the prime minister's worshipping at the Yasukuni Shrine have caused discord with China.
A controversy is a debate or argument with people expressing different opinions.
The election ended in controversy, with allegations of widespread vote-rigging.
The book caused great controversy among readers.
controversy = disagreement expressed in a heated and public way
His bold plan gave rise to much controversy.

Inglese parola "controversial"(controversy) si verifica in set:

make adjective
Word Formation (Year 3)

3. a touchy subject

4. triggering disagreement

Inglese parola "controversial"(triggering disagreement) si verifica in set:

Test 1 (sem.2)

5. causing a lot of disagreement among people

Inglese parola "controversial"(causing a lot of disagreement among people) si verifica in set:


6. offensive

The speaker's comments were highly offensive.
I find just the memory of his overly polite patronizing manner really offensive.
Rwandan rebels are pushing their offensive south as fighting continues in the capital Kigali.
The word "nigger" is an offensive term.
The police conducted an offensive against some drug dealers.
Several soldiers were injured in the offensive.
The general decided to launch an offensive against the enemy camp.
offensive language
I find his every word truly offensive.
It's offensive how inoffensive you are!
We recoiled from the enemy's offensive.
They've banned books containing offensive language.
They do not like him because he can be mean and offensive.
He's very offensive, I don't like him. It was an offensive joke.
I found her remarks deeply offensive. He's very offensive, I don't like him.

Inglese parola "controversial"(offensive) si verifica in set:


7. causing a lot of angry discussion and disagreement

Inglese parola "controversial"(causing a lot of angry discussion and disagreement) si verifica in set:

Unit 5 glossary

8. highly controversial

Inglese parola "controversial"(highly controversial) si verifica in set:

Kolokacje / Collocations - common adverb + adjecti...

9. causing a lot of angry public discussions and disagreement

10. something that many people disagree with or do not approve of

11. causing a lot of discussion