Dizionario Greco - Inglese

ελληνικά - English

διασκεδαστικός in inglese:

1. entertaining

the entertaining dialogues
This is an entertaining program for children.
He is in charge of entertaining the foreign guests.
I think a movie is more entertaining than any book.
It was an entertaining book that left me in a good mood.
The programme about the Amish was entertaining.
Children's TV nowadays is much more entertaining.
Find more entertaining way to spent your time.
I didn’t find the situation entertaining
A light but entertaining novel, perfect for beach reading.
Hollywood can teach us about history in an entertaining way.
I find comedies very entertaining and often enjoy watching one at the cinema.
An entertaining film is one that you like watching.
At the wedding, the best man gave a lively and entertaining speech.
The company had incurred $37,000 in expenses entertaining a client.