dictation for 18.02

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Domanda American English Risposta American English
extremely attractive or impressive. syn beautiful
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growing and developing. and very successful. syn flourishing
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full of life and energy)
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streets with a surface of old round stones)
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cobbled streets
in an unusual or surprising way, remarkable ADj.)
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of many different kinds.)
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experience a process of change.)
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undergo sth
the work of repairing old buildings, paitings, etc. restore v.
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relax and do very little)
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laze around
absorb or take something into your senses, body, or mind
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soak something up
walk slowly without a real purpose or direction. wander(around/in)
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go for a wander(around/in)
keep something)
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retain something
a pleasant or attractive quality or feature
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(far away from people and houses.
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off the beaten track
(a long hard walk, often in the mountains)
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(being the only one of its kind)
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о(go somewhere different to have a rest or holiday.
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get away from it all
(far from places where other people live. syn isolated
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(of a place) beautiful because it has not been changed or built on.
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