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Domanda English Risposta English
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Hello girls! Did you hear abaut what happened to Robert yesterday?
Well I didn't just hear about it, I was there.
Seuriously? Tell us what exacly happened.
we went biking in the forest in the late afternoon.
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But there was a terrible storm yesterday evening!
Yes, when we were in the middle of The woods, it started to rain.
Why didn't decide to go back?
We did, but it was alredy slippery mud everywere.
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it had to be very dngerous!
What happened next?
Robert slipped on The mud and fell on The ground.
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Realy? Did he hurt himself?
Yes. he Broke his leg realy bad.
And what did you do?
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Did you call an anbulance?
Yes I did call. The rescuers took us to hospital.
You were lucky that you got out of this sound and safe
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Yes you should check The weather next time when you go to the forest
That would realy help avoid the situation

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