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The martinus Scriblerus Club
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english literary group formed in 1713 to sairie "all the false tastes in learning'
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poem, or later a novelused to ridicle aspects of stupidity as a form of social or poitical commentary.
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a concept of a perfect society with perfec rules, no wars and no arguments
horarian satire
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a type of satire that was quite mild and gentle.
juvenalian satire
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in contrary to the horatian satire, its very strong and full of anger and bite. seems lie an attack when you compare it to the horatian
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a false report or piece of information to decieve people
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dualist word which means remedy or poison, or neither remedy nor poison
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leghty literary work with characters and actions to some degree relistic
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a genre of fiction dealing with love in a sentimental or idealised way
picaresque novel
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also called adventure novel, type of novel that presents adventures of some sort of rough and dishonest bu appealing character
divine providence
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the concept that god cares for and deal wit everything in the universe
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the property of the text that it seems more realistic because it references to true things that happened in real life
graveyard poets
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pre-romantic poets of the 18th century that charaterized by their gloomy medidations on mortality. Can be considered the precursors of Gothic writers
Emanuel Swedenborg
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Swedish pluralist-christian theologian, he was famous because of his work: Heaven and Hell
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when a part of something represents a whole
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a concept of fitness of the form, wording, genre etc in a certain text.
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the approach that God and the forces of nature and universe are the same thing
Blank verse
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unrrhymed verse; especially unrhymed iambic pentameter verse
iambic pentameter
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a line of verse with one unstressed syllable, followed by a stressed one; repeated 5 times
Dramatic monologue
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literary work when the speakes character is revealed in a monologue to the second person
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narrative composition of rhytmi verse suitable for singing, generally about heroic or tragic deeds or love
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repetition of the same consonant sound in two or more neighbouring words.
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reptition of the same word or expression in the beginning of the sentences.
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the running over of a sentence from one verse into another to avoid closely related words appearing in the same line
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a break in text to exclaim to a imagined person a thing or idea
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metric foot created of two unstressed and one stressed syllable
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inversion of syntantic order of words (Yoda)
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close juxtaposition fo simmilar sounds, especially of vowels
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correspondence or reccurence of sounds in words
eye rhyme
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a type of thyme that only appears to rhyme for the eye, but when we pronunce it, it won't rhyme
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omission or incompleteness usually in the last foot of a line in mertic verse
iambic hexameter
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verse of 12 syllables
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diameterline of two metrical feet
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line of four metrical feet
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adress to dietry or muse usually as a begging for help
negative capability
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theory by john keats, about authors access to truth without the pressure ad framework of logic or science.
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stanza of 4 lines
terza rima
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rhyming verse form consisting of tercets with interlocking rhymes
gothic novel
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type of novel that characterizes with gloomy and dark vibe, setting in a castle, pseudo medieval seting,
epistolary novel
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type of novel written in a series of a letters
byronic hero
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moody brooding rebel, with bad past that haunts him
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story with a compact and pointed plot
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short novel typically light and romantic on sentimental in character
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the raisin of the issue by claiming not to mention it
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an expression of real or fake doubt for rhetorical effects
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the leaving of a thought by making a break off

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