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Domanda English Risposta English
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files a complaint
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is accoused of a crime
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speak on behalf of their clients
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resolves a complaint
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a victim is a person who suffers as a result of a crime committed by another person
legal system
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the methods of interpreting laws and putting them into effect
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a legal conclusion
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a written document that states the reason for legal action
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the place where people go to conduct legal business
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occurring between citizens
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a dispute is an argument or disagreement
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to appeal means to ask a judge or decision maker to change their mind with regards to an earlier decision
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someone is taken into police custody anpolice officer books them by talking theirnpersonal details
computer based
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if something is computer based is exists on a computer, not on paper
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an option is a choice of two or more things
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a payment is a transfer of money
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a perpetrator is a person who committed a crime
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a fee is an amount of money which is charged for a service
primary materials
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the text that contain laws
form book
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documents to see how to word the concract correctly
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many law book mention information from primary materials
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the best place to find an option on the case is in a book that summarized
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the firm’s legal sources of informatioj are located in the room next to
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a policy is a written contract or certificate of isurance
retainer agreemment
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a contract between lawyer and a client for retention and payment of services
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a list of things that need to be done in a certain order
form letter
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a letter that is printed many times and sent to many different people
demand package
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a set of documents that a lawyer obtains from other companies to help whith a case
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an arrest is when the police take somebody away tonquestion thenabout a crime they may have comitted
community service
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community service is a punishment in which someone must work to help the local people ornthe local area
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evidence is something that can be
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is a punishment given in court as a resoult of committing a crime
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is a decision
the supreme court
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this is another appeals court but it is the only court that opetares under discretionary review this means it can choose which cases to hear the supreme court is also called a high court in some countries
state courts
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these courts decide disputes that pertain to state laws rather than federal laws
court of appeals
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the court of appeals reviews all decisions in the lower courts that people object to
discrict courts
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these are general court but is some cases the jurisdiction is passed to specialized courts
personal jurisdiction
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is authority over a person
territorial jurisdiction
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is authority over an area
subject jurisdiction
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is authority over a particular subject
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is the authority to judgr legal matters
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is a gropu of people who makes
legally binding
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if something is legally binding the person must obey it by law
concurrent jurisdiction
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more then one court can decide the iusse
clerk of the court
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a person who assist a judge
court reporter
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a person that types everything that is said in court
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the side of a case that attempts to prove guilt
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the side of a case that attempts to prove guilt
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a person who listens to a trial and decides if a defendant i guilty or not
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an officer who keeps order in court
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is a room for private descussion among a select group of people

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